Maybe it is not what is wrong with me, instead it is what maybe wrong with what i have in life...or maybe it is what i don't have.
Then i tried looking into more primitive forms of humans (they are called myroommates) and found out that to be able to muse upon a muse, the muse needs a certain level of intellect, ie an IQ which may be above 50 or so. so you see the obvious problem arose...I wasnt vegetable enough.
Then i took my search to a new level. If i can include my hare-brained vegetable IQ roommates, why not look at animals? So, i decided to look upon the magnificient creatures on 4 legs for answers, inspiration and intellect.
I left the thought of making an inanimate object as my muse with the first round of auditions itself.
Then the beautiful thought arose. (heavenly arc music fades out) WHY NOT MAKE MYSELF MY MUSE? With that, all i needed to do was to look in the mirror and i could become inspired. I had hit the mother of all muses. Myself. I had a muse which didn' t need any more maintenence than myself. So, i lock the room one night and decide to look at myself for inspiration...
Oh my god, is that another pimple? Why is my nose covered with those spots?Would i look good in Chuck's hairstyle? Or is mine good anyways? when will i have a complete beard? am i a little too puny for my age? Maybe i am hot...
That above set of statements more or less explain my train of thought. I found a narcissist when i searched for a muse. This led to a situation that can only be explained by making up a latin sounding phrase - STALEMATIFIED MAJORCUS.
Then i took a cigarette and started smokin. By the end of the smoke, i had my eureka moment. Why not make up an entire entry on the search for the invisible muse?
I found my muse : it costs me Rs 4 + lung cancer treatement charges...